Chapter 5: Conquering Clutter
>> Sunday, May 1, 2011
I'm sure you know him or her, that person who refuses to let things go? It does not matter that they have not use or worn that thing in years, they just have to keep it (among other things), just in case.... Chapter five of my book focuses on conquering clutter and the chaos in our homes that hinders mobility and productivity in every aspect of life.
Clutter is the result of disorganization, whether it's time, a physical condition, or mental condition that keeps us from getting organized. Clutter in our homes and our lives have cost people jobs, promotions, relationships, ministry opportunities, and most importantly clutter hinders our effectiveness for God.
You are probably at the point where you do not need me to convince you that clutter is hazardous to your physical, mental and spiritual health. You want to know where to start and, how to conquer your clutter. For those who do not have my book, please click here to download a snapshot of my clutter worksheet (password: "BBClutter") which includes steps that I have taken to minimize the clutter in my home--so that I am more responsive and receptive to the call of God. For a detailed process of conquering your clutter, I ask that you get a copy of my book Balancing Blessings and Obtaining Order
The question that stood out for me this week was: "How closely does the interior and exterior organization of your home represent the way you feel or view yourself?" Speaking on behalf of someone who went from being a minimalist to having to deal with clutter, I can tell you that clutter weighed me down. I always felt overwhelmed and as if there was so much work for me to do. It also killed my creativity; I was constantly scrambling to find things, to get to work on time, to pay bills on time, and to find peace. I'm not going to lie and say, "I am clutter free" because I'm still dealing with the clutter of others. However, I can say, "I'm in a much better place today than I was yesterday."
What clutter category will you be conquering this coming week?
Next Week's Goal: Review Chapter 5 or Step 5, and finish chapter questions. Read more...