If You Don't Want Your Life to be Wasted, Focus It!

>> Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It was the Spring of 1998 when I read my first Elizabeth George book, Woman After God’s Own Heart, and I can honestly tell you, it was one of the first Christian books that got me excited about living for God. This may sound silly, but at the time I didn’t think God care about me planning my day, setting goals, and establishing priorities. I knew God loved me, and called me to love my neighbor as myself. I also knew that God had given me gifts and talents that were to be used to glorify Him, but I was shock when I realized that God truly cared about the intimate details of my day, and wants to be apart of the decision making process. In addition, Elizabeth’s book sparked a passion in me for order and balance God’s way. Some people are attracted to music, and are drawn to musical activities, events, and circles. Some people are very athletic and eager to participate in any type of sporting event they have time for. I am attracted to order, self-help books, organizational tips, and lectures on one’s life purpose--sounds boring I know but it has its advantages. Your constantly thinking ahead...How can I make my life more meaningful? How can I make a difference? What is my purpose in life? In addition, the pursuit of balance and order keeps me focused (and mindful of those goals I want to accomplish in life); and with focus I am less likely to be jumping from one extreme to the other.

In her book titled: Loving God with All Your Mind, Elizabeth George gives a wonderful description of what characterizes a focused woman, and what sets her apart from other women. Here is what she says:

...First, a focused woman knows where she is going. She has a sense of God’s call on her life, and that call gives her direction each step of the way and makes it easier for her to make decisions. With her sights set on these God-given goals, she is able to say no to the trivial. She chooses from among her options that which moves her toward her life goals.

This focus for her life also gives her greater energy for reaching that goal. She doesn’t waste energy wondering what to do or wandering aimlessly from option to option. Knowing exactly what she wants to do and needs to do, she pours her energy into those things. Her knowing what to do and her knowing that God will enable her to serve Him where He has placed her gives her confidence as well as energy. She knows where she is headed and why, and she makes all that she does count for her Lord.

Your Call to Order
My challenge to you is to think about some of the things you do daily, are you making most of what you do count for the Lord?

Power Verses (from the New King James Version)

The steps of a good man [or woman] are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his [or her] way (Psalm 37:23, emphasis added).

In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths (Proverbs 3:6).


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