Chapter 1 of My Journey
>> Saturday, January 15, 2011
This week I finished Step 1: Getting Geared Up, and after my initial start last week I'm still pretty excited about going through this book once again and "jotting my journey" for all to read. I hope by sharing my journey I will encourage more readers to join me. At the very least I want to inspire someone in cyberspace to change one or two things in their life that would have the most significant and the most positive impact on their day-to-day life.
Speaking of life, what spoke to my heart most in Chapter 1 was on living a surrendered life--"releasing possessions, resources, and oneself to be wholly and completely used to glorify the kingdom of God." Boy has that been hard for me! I'm known for constantly getting in God's way or stepping on God's toes in pursuit of my goals, only to come back to the realization (time after time) that I'm nothing without God and I can do nothing of godly value without God's grace, mercy, and endless support.
Step 1 forced me to revisit areas in my life that I have failed to surrender to God. I had to ask myself: "How can I once again begin that process of daily surrendering myself to God, and how can I be better at surrendering this time, than last time?" Then it dawned on me that surrendering is a daily process of denying myself and taking up my cross daily (Luke 9:23), and asking the Lord each day to give me this day my daily bread (Matthew 6:11)—the strength, the energy, the courage, the means, the passion, etc. so that I might glorify Him daily.
Next Week's Goal: finish Chapter 1 questions.
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