Campaigning for Christ
>> Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Aren't you glad it is over? If you, like me, have been glue to the television set for the past month or so eager to find out which direction (right or left) the country will likely gravitate towards--I know you're glad it's over.
Even though I had my own personal preference as to whom I would rather see in the white house, I had to concede my prayers to God's will.
Now what? Three weeks of politics is long enough to establish an addiction to it. I still find myself coming home to turn on the television hoping I didn't miss anything. My personal opinion is: if the Christian community would organize itself like the winning campaign can you imagine the number of young people we would reach for Christ? That's just a thought, but that is also something we can do and should do to redirect our focus back to where it should be, on God, and reaching souls for God.
Let's be honest, how many people did you call up to make sure they were registered to vote? Is that number less than or greater than the number of people you called to make sure they were going to heaven? Who monopolized your conversations? Was it Palin, Obama, or Jesus?
I know people (personally) who hadn't volunteered to serve in the church in ages, yet they found time to canvass for their favorite candidate. I even found time to sit outside a gas station to register people to vote, yet the idea of sitting outside a gas station to hand out salvation tracts for Jesus, never crossed my mind, until now.
I am not here to judge what you did or did not do; I just want to encourage you to redirect your excitement or dismay, and reach someone for Christ. Remember, God does not rejoice in heaven because we vote, He rejoices when a lost soul accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Your Call to Order:
What can we take from the campaigns that will help us be better representatives for Christ?
- Balance stabilizes you. There will be many things in life that will try to divert our attention; it is up to us to have godly goals and priorities, and to remain focused. Giving little time and attention to the little things and little distractions, and more time and attention to the big goals and essential things in life. Jesus had a goals to “seek and to save” those who were lost from the tribe of Israel, but he also understood the important priority of spending time in the presence of God, and often pulled away from time wasters to pray and focus on God and God’s will.
- Stand for something. There is an old saying, “if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.” In addition, it’s difficult to lead people when you have no idea where you are going. Jesus made the comment in John 15:14 that: “…if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.”
- Network, fellowship, find ways to connect with people. As representatives for Christ we have marching orders to teach all nations, and to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19, paraphrased). Our job description requires us to be in the presence of others: reaching out to those who are in need, and extending a hand of friendship and support to those desiring to make that transition from death to life abundantly in Jesus Christ.
Power Verses (New International Reader's Version):
So you must go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end" (Matthew 28:19-20).
"You say, 'Four months more, and then it will be harvest time.' But I tell you, open your eyes! Look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest right now. Those who gather the crop are already getting paid. They are already harvesting the crop for eternal life. So those who plant and those who gather can now be glad together (John 4:35-36).
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