Tips for Balancing your Blessings in 2010

>> Wednesday, January 20, 2010

1. Your Priorities

Determine to get your mind and your mission in alignment with your priorities, so you are able to stay focused on what needs to be done in your personal life and business life.

2. Your Prayer Life

Begin your day with prayer. Prayer can take a lot out of you (time and energy), but it pours so much more into you.

3. Your Health

Take care of your self: eat right, find time to exercise at least three times a week for fifteen to twenty minutes a day, and get the right amount of rest that your body requires.

4. Your Possessions

Resolve to not be preoccupied with obtaining things; instead, get rid of things that serve no purpose, give you no joy, and that separates you from God.

5. Your Passions

Have a passion you want to pursue? Get up, dust yourself off, and start pursuing it. Don't have a passion? Make it your passion to discover what God have uniquely place in your heart to do.

6. Your Relationships

Create healthy boundaries, but never miss an opportunity to spend more time with the people you love. Treat people with respect, and commit to adding value to peoples lives without expecting anything in return. In essence "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

7. Your Ministry

Seek to align your will with God's will. Let God be your God, Jesus your example, and the Bible your comprehensive guidebook on life.

8. Your Finances
Live within your means, take care of your family, give according to scriptures, and invest in your future.

9. Your Self Worth

Be yourself, and realize that as a child of God's you are blessed and highly favored.

10. Your Home

Let your home be a place where the Holy Spirit will always feel welcomed.

Reference: Balancing Blessings and Obtaining Order by Sandra Miller.


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