Chapter 1 of My Journey, Take Two

>> Saturday, January 22, 2011

Last week I finished reading chapter one, and this past week I took the time to thoughtfully answer each of the end-of-chapter questions and to carefully walk through the challenges. By putting forth the effort regardless of how busy my week was, I believe I set the tone for how serious this journey is for me. It's not just a journey I want to hurry up and be through with, it's a process I want to grow and mature from: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, financially, and physically.

The questions and challenges in Chapter 1 set the foundation for the entire book. Here are a few questions that were thought-provoking to me:

  • What is the difference between Balancing Your Blessings and Stewardship?
  • What does having order mean to you?
  • What does it mean to live a surrendered life?
  • What do you want your life to look life after you have completed this book?
here is a snippet of my response to the last question:

"... I want to be a better and do better; I want God to have more control over my everyday life rather than the people around me, my circumstances, or my environment..."

My "Balancing Blessings" Covenant is now a wall paper on my smart phone until I complete the challenge, so more than a few times a day I am reminded of my commitment, once again, to change.

Next Week's Goal: Read Chapter 2 or Step 2, and start chapter questions.


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