Practicing What I Preach

>> Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It has been almost two years since the second edition of my book has been out. Since then so much has changed in my life. My son is older with more responsibilities and more home work for me to assist him with. I'm back at work full-time which leaves very little time, if any, to manage my home, write, and run a business. My step son is visiting more frequently as my husband tries to share with both boys what it means to be a man. Put simply, life never stands still long enough for me to get caught up; on top of all that I truly believe I have a responsibility to walk the walk and not just talk the talk for my readers.

The hardest part of having been given a gift or a revelation to share with others is the responsibility to glorify God in the process through consistency, and perseverance in what one has been called to do. Though my book "Balancing Blessings and Obtaining Order" was a blessing to me while I was writing it and practicing it in 2007; life always has a way of getting a person off track. And off track is where I've been for the past few months as project after project has demanded my time and attention. So in my attempt to re-establish order, I began mapping out my plan to get back on track, when my husband handed me a copy of my own book "Balancing Blessings and Obtaining Order." Nothing more needed to be discussed or said, I knew what he was alluding to.

Starting on January 1, 2010 I will be journalizing my thoughts and feelings at the end of each week, as I take that journey once again, through my own book. If you would like to join me in this process, my book can be ordered online at it is also available on the Amazon Kindle. Let me forewarn you, this will not be a speedy race around a track; instead I will be traveling through each step bi-weekly. This will allow myself and others--who would like to join me--the time to meditate on what has been read, and then opportunity to incorporate some of the principle into one's life. Feel free to share your experiences by commenting on my blog posts or posting on my facebook wall. If you are opting out of this journey, please keep the rest of us in prayer. God Bless.

End of Week Goal: Read book Preface and Introduction.


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