More on Priorities

>> Saturday, September 25, 2010

Are you anything like me,…what you do first thing in the morning sets the tone for your entire day? That certainly rings true for me; if I miss time in prayer, I begin to feel frustrated, and short-tempered. On the other hand if I make time for God, I normally feel as Moses felt when he uttered Psalm 90:14: I feel satisfied with God's mercy and loving-kindness.

In taking stock of my life this week, once again my focus turned to praying over my priorities, and seeking God's presence and guidance in my life. This step is an important step not only for me, but for any woman who like me has become accustom to putting other's first.

My wake-up call this week came from a high school friend who called to let me know that she would be having surgery the following day. Though she explained to me that the surgery was not life threatening--opting out would be life threatening. Years of putting others first had stressed her body to the point that it began to retaliate. Though I truly admire her and many of my other friends for the dedication and the commitment they have shown toward their family, I cannot help but wonder whether all their busyness over the years was needful or fruitful. In other words, was the source of their productivity God? Without godly priorities it's easy to become distracted by things that may be good, but we also become oblivious to those things that are essential or important. That has been true for me over the years, and for my dear friend who at this moment is preparing herself mentally and emotionally for the unexpected. And I'm sure this resonates with every woman whose life is not driven by prayer.

In re-evaluating my priorities in light of God's perspective, I was prompted to move "Health and Exercise" which was previously a "3" under Present to a "5" under God-Given. There were other adjustments that I was prompted to make, and that I plan to make, but the need to focus on my health stood out for me as I listened to God speak to me via a friend with a similar medical issue, through a busy life that often leaves me weary and worn out, and through the Word of God which says "[I was] bought at a price [Jesus death on the cross]; therefore [I should] glorify God in [my] body and in [my] spirit, which are God’s" (1 Corinthians 6:20).

Next Week's Goal: Read Chapter 3 or Step 3, and start chapter questions.


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