Chapter 3: Prayerfully Planning Ahead

>> Sunday, February 27, 2011

How are you at planning your day? Are you one of those special people who can wake up in the morning and whatever life tosses your way, you're ready for the challenge? "A plan," you say, "who needs a plan? A plan is binding and life is meant to be lived without limitations." Actually, planning wisely assists us in bringing order to our day, to our week, ... to our life. The only time planning hinders us is when we get so caught up in sticking to a plan that we don't allow room for flexibility, people, or an act of God.

In chapter three of "Balancing Blessings and Obtaining Order" the focus was on "helping you to recognize God's authority in your life by including God in your life choices and by planning your days wisely." The chapter included tips for planning your day, it look at tasks verses projects, it covered establishing a routine, it discussed why we don’t plan, and the power of prayerful planning.

Having just started a job further from home, I recently had to alter my daily and nightly routine to incorporate the fact that I would be away from my home and my family longer than before. And although my work days were longer, believe me, my responsibilities at home still remained the same. I have found that it takes discipline to stick to a routine, but not sticking to it, causes far more problems and heartaches for me in the morning when I'm pressed to get to work on time.

If you are feeling like your days are out of control, take time to establish a routine; then begin to take time every morning and just present your day to God. Ask Him to “give [you] this day, [your] daily bread....” Then sit quietly for a moment and listen to God to speak to your heart before you begin to plan your day.

Next Week's Goal: Review Chapter 3 or Step 3, and finish chapter questions.


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